Popcorn brings you amazing photos from december's Tokio Hotel tour in America! We also have for you hot news from backstage! Does Bill really suffer from eating disorder? Does he hate his body and is in depresions?
"Fans in America were absolutely fanatic!"
"Boys even couldn't get to hall because of fans!"
In last time there were lots of rumors which had lots of to do with Bill Kaulitz (19). We got one by one information that he suffer from eating disorder, hate his own body and lots of more. But how we can be used to by TH, by the time we can see, they are not everytime so true. There is already enough that rumor about Bill hating his body because he wears shirt and jeans on beach. He could be cold or just protect himself against sun. But he deffinitely has no problem with his body because only few days later could paparazzi saw him and his brother Tom in water and only in swimsuit! About those eating disorder rumor. It is fact that Bill deffinitely belongs between thin guys but that doesn't have to mean he has anorexia or bulimia! His management clearly said that Bill has no problem with eating disorder. And if somebody thinks that Bill is even more thin (by some news he has only 45 kg!) so it is only because he had very difficult time and soon there will be world-tour! But he is deffinitely not ill! And another good news - by the last news should be new CD of Tokio Hotel in March!
Describes by pics (from left to right):
"Georg Listing was excited from atmosphere in America!"
"Also Tom Kaulitz didn't let his quitar for even a moment!"
"Bill was on stage with big energy and got all audience!"
"December's concert in Anaheim, California had great reviews!"
"There was clearly that Bill is in great form and he deffinitely is not ill!"
"Also Tom said boys enjoyed tour in America!"
"Tokio Hotel raised big craziness in USA even their albums are not so good in charts like in Germany and Europe but boys still have amazing success and their future carier behind ocean looks really perfect!"
What do Stars wish in this year?
Bill Kaulitz: "I have only two wishes - first our fans would stay faithful and like our new album - and the second is finally to fall in love!"
Tokio Hotel de gira!
Popcorn te regala increibles fotos del tour en diciembre de Tokio Hotel en America! Nosotros tambien tenemos para ti geniales novedades del backstage!
Sufre realmente Bill de disturbos alimentares? El odia su cuerpo y esta en depresion?
"Los fans en America son muy fanaticos!"
"Los chicos podrian no lograr llegar a la sala por culpa de los fans!"
En los ultimos tiempos,hubieron muchos rumores con a que ver con Bill Kaulitz(19). Nosotros tenemos algunos que dicen que sufre de trastornos(desordenes)
alimentares , Que odia su cuerpo y muchos mas. Pero, ¿Pero como podemos ser usados por TH? Con el tiempo pudimos ver que no son siempre ciertos.
Ya hay sficientes rumores de que Bill odia su cuerpo dado que en la playa usa Camiseta y Jeans. El podria simplemente sentir frio,
o se protege nuevamente del sol. Pero definitivamente no tiene problemas con su cuerpo, porque apenas hace
unos dìas los periodistas los vieron a el y a su hermano Tom, en el agua y solo con el bañador! Y,sobre este rumor del trastorno alimentar,
es seguro que entre los chicos es mucho mas flaco!Pero no quiere decir que sea bulimia o anorexia! Los managers aclararon diciendo que Bill
no tiene trastornos alimentares. Y si alguien piensa que Bill es aùn mas delgado,(Algunas noticias dicen que pesa solo 45 kg!)solo por como se ve,
pues el a casi recorrido todo el mundo! Y absolutamente, no està mal! - Por otras noticias, el nuevo CD de TH saldrà en marzo!
Descripciones de las fotos(De izquierda a derecha):
"Georg Listing fue excitado por la atmòsfera en America!"
"Tambien Tom no dejo en ningun momento su guitarra!"
"Bill estuvo en el escenario con gran energìa y con mucho pùblico!"
"El concierto de Dicienbre en Anaheim,California tuvieron buenas notas!"
"Hubieron buenas aclaraciones de que Bill està en forma y no està enfermo!"
"Tom dijo que los chicos la pasaron bien en el tour de America!"
"Tokio Hotel alzò gran locura en USA, claro,no tienen tanto exito en los gràficos como en Alemania, o la entera Europa, pero tienen gran exito y
tienen increìble suceso en su futura carrera detràs del oceano, luce totalmente perfecta!"
Que desean las estrellas en este año?
Bill Kaulitz: "Tengo solo dos deseos - Primero,que nuestros fans queden mas que satisfechos con nuestro album - Segundo . caer finalmente enamorado!"
Translation by Natasha: Tokio Hotel Europe
jueves, 29 de enero de 2009
CZ: Popcorn article
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